Tuesday, September 4, 2012

honestly Dad, please.

Can someone please educate my father on how to be... Oh, I don't know, better?

You readers have the pleasure of reading an excerpt from my private blog:
"Dad hasn't given me the money to go on the Choral Festival trip yet. A trip for CHORUS, WHICH IS A PRETTY BIG DAMN DEAL TO ME, is not even being considered. The next payment, as Ms. Magic would say, was "due, like, yesterday." I already had to pay the deposit of $50 with my own damn money. (No, I don't have a job nor do I have allowance. I don't sell drugs, calm down. I just have emergency cash stashes. Doesn't everyone?) I know to other kids that wouldn't seem like much, and maybe I sound stingy, but EXCUSE ME for trying to start saving up for CAP AND GOWNS, PROM, DISNEY, GRAD NIGHT/BASH, STUPID TESTING FEES AND COLLEGE APPLICATIONS FEES on my own because my own IGNORANT APATHETIC FATHER thinks my A's and B's will magically pay for everything and that graduating is free and Senior events are just luxuries that his firstborn won't get to experience... Fuck being a good daughter. I'm packing up and going on that trip, whatever it takes."

Sorry for all the cursing, but I thought it properly conveyed my frustration of having to deal with an adult who couldn't understand you less.

I know my dad doesn't know any better, nor does he understand the value of extracurriculars and how important this is to me and my team, but I wish he could be more open-minded.

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