As if you didn't already know enough.
Well hey, if you came here, you clearly wanted to know more about me so you could be able to either decide whether we would be a good match and date in real life or be just friends... or maybe you just like reading "About Me" tabs because they amuse you.
My username?
Well, it contradicts itself, for one. That says something about the way I think. I like looking at the opposing sides of an argument, forcing myself to learn about cultures and beliefs that I don't personally believe or support, because who wants to be uneducated? I don't. I want to understand humanity better.
How did you come up with it?
...I was trying to be deep.
Kidding. (I don't try, I just am, yo.)
One day I was thinking, and realized I'm a novice when it comes to life, but I'm experienced with the life I've lived so far.
As of now, I'm agnostic. I like the idea of God, and at the same time I don't. I have my reasons and my theories and my thoughts and my wishes and they all contradict and go along with each other.
I believe in the amazingness of the universe itself, and at the same time it has something inexplicable and almost magical about it that makes me wonder if there's a force that governs or observes it all.
I'm not sure if I believe in Hell, or a punishing afterlife.
I highly doubt the existence of one.
I believe in equality, but not in the way you'd think. The kind of equality that offers the same opportunities to everyone, but doesn't treat everyone the same way. Leveling the playing field. Extra help for the handicapped, higher taxes on the extremely rich, etc.
Go ahead, judge me for being indecisive or taking the easy way out of this question by tackling it like a politician and giving the least straightforward answer possible.
Ayyy baby ASL u got a kik mama
18, Female, US of A. No kik, don't call me mama.
Hobbies/favorite things/interests?
Writing, drawing, painting, singing, watching TV, blogging, reading, fashion, designing, talking, philosophy, musicals, drama, comedy, cultures, religions, culinary art, vintage things, cars, biking, surfing the internet, colors, aesthetically pleasing things, trees, climbing trees, looking at trees, nature, animals, poetry, chocolate, wordplay, nail polish, pianos, keyboards, music, flowers, martial arts, long walks, hair dye, photography, fancy notebooks, most vegetables, juice, gel pens, rain, thunderstorms, soup, etc. etc.
Okaaaay, so this info page has enough things, right?
For now?