Friday, March 9, 2012

All you need is love.

I HAVE 321 PAGEVIEWS!!!! YAY!!!! LOL. Sorry, had to get that out of the way.

Starting this post with a song, ending with a song. Play this.
The Beatles- All You Need Is Love
I remember singing this in chorus in 6th grade. >.<

God, this entire week for me had been about fighting and hate, dirty looks and nasty words. We resolved a few things, my family and I, but I'm still fearing what could happen one of these days. Spring break is here and that just means more tension in the house. We get to see each others' faces 24/7 and have to put up with each other. Sometimes I wonder, why was the concept of families invented? Take two people, usually from very different backgrounds, put them in a house and have them share the responsibility of raising children. Different people. With different personalities and thoughts and wants and needs. That's bound to start an argument sometime, right? And the only way to make it work is by acknowledging the disparity of it and accept who we are. Maybe it's the stress. Work has been better than ever for my mom, yet bad because she's tired all the time.. Dad is busy and comes home late. And my little brother is... weird and obnoxious, as usual. :P But although we suffer through these hardships sometimes, we have to remember that as old or as young as we may be, we have years ahead of us to live and time to change as much as we can.

Speaking of time, I saw this interesting movie a few days ago. In Time. You should watch it. Sure, the ending was bad but the concept of it was great. A world in which time is money. Literally. It's a world in which people live free until they're 25, then they stop aging, but they're given a year of life and they can do whatever they want with it. And usually if you're poor, you get paid a few hours, the prices of everything goes up and your time runs out and you die. It's kind of a depressing thought, but the rich get to live practically forever while the poor die young and work hard for nothing. That's life, I guess... :/

Onto happier thoughts. Well... not exactly. I sort of embarrassed myself today. I was acting like a real dork, being myself, you know... acting like a fool. And I was in a rolling chair, spinning, and then I decided to roll myself across the room. Forward and back, all across the floor. As I was pushing off from a table, I miscalculated . I saw the ceiling and the next thing I knew-BAM!- my head hits the ground and I end up falling backwards.... -_- I just laughed it off like a real loser while everyone looked at me like I was crazy or a moron or something.

Sorry for writing so much. I LOVE YOU!

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