Sorry. Spring is here! Don't feel like it much? I am going to bombard you with spring stuff now.

Spring has sprung.
A flower sprouts
in the depths of my heart
the delicate petals open
like gates to my love
they unravel slowly
revealing a tender core
overflowing with
an abundance of love to offer.
Though even the harshest winters
have come and gone
none have not been
able to destroy
the treasure inside
the precious bulb.
The flower's blossoming indicates
it's readiness for the start of a new day:
an adventure is about to begin.
I love, love, LOVE macro photography.

One of my favorite animals: butteflies.
Pretty bird, pretty bird. (Cardinal <3)


I love feeling the crispness of fall and the sensuality of spring.
-Christopher Meloni
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