Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Yesterday's post was quite a doozy: now that I've gotten all that out, I'm definitely in a life/world-saving mood today. Guess what? Congress passed a bill that makes protesting illegal. What the hell?!?!? Whatever happened to freedom and people's rights? I'm not making this up. I've been following David Seaman (stop laughing at his name.) and checking it all out. It's legit.

David Seaman - Google+
Goodbye, First Amendment: ‘Trespass Bill’ will make protest illegal — RT

If you want to know what's really going on in the US, check his page out. It's got all your political info. Heck, even I'm getting interested and I hate politics.

Privacy, gone. Monitoring here. (and it stays.)

Interesting commenst on Youtube:
"Basically what they saying is the gov trying to do is treat us like a thief or terrorist or child pornographer (even if we're innocent) so they can 'monitor' us without limit. In order to do so, they had access to our Address, phone, credit card, all personal informatiion.I their (gov) goal is to make internet clean, why dont just shut the torrent, porn sites, etc without monitoring us?From what i see is, they make the bill as an excuse (or 'cover') to destroy our privacy."

"Why doesn't this video have more views?

Honestly, if there were more politically aware people, activists not afraid to fight, we would be rallying and protesting in Congress, bringing back people's rights, privacy, and freedoms. This country was founded on the beliefs that we would become independent, fair, and strong; the government is bringing all of that down.


And the earth. How I'm so worried about our planet. Amazing girl, presented a speech to a UN conference. Share with everyone. DO IT NOW!

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