Well, you might say this is a little sad. But let me tell you somethin'. IF YOU'VE HAD A CHILDHOOD, YOU'VE PLAYED IN A BOX. A box is a wonderful method of transportation, a scary awesome ride down a flight of stairs, a tiny house of your own, a place to hide away from everything, a wonderland that you just walked into... The list goes on. Boxes nurtured creativity in me in my toddling days and even into my double digits and were a blank slate for my imagination to grow and expand onto.

Well, you might say this is a little sad. But let me tell you somethin'. IF YOU'VE HAD A CHILDHOOD, YOU'VE PLAYED IN A BOX. A box is a wonderful method of transportation, a scary awesome ride down a flight of stairs, a tiny house of your own, a place to hide away from everything, a wonderland that you just walked into... The list goes on. Boxes nurtured creativity in me in my toddling days and even into my double digits and were a blank slate for my imagination to grow and expand onto.
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