I mean, I really don't need to explain why I dislike racism so much, but what teenager doesn't like venting their angst? I have plenty of sources that cause me anger, and "racist people" is of them.
Coming from a fully Hispanic background, and being the first-generation hyphenated American of the family, it's really tough to decide who you are.
Am I a [your Hispanic country here] or am I American?
I'm not your typical Spanish girl, culturally and whatnot. I wouldn't say reggaeton is my type of music, or bachata, or whatever it is you Latin teens listen to these days. I'm not gossipy and I don't have glossy, thick, dark hair or curves, or feelings... Kidding about that last part.... I have curves. JK.
But I do confess that when I'm in the mood, I will listen to something like this:
The Spanish stereotype that I am often placed into is that my family is likely illegal, and works in domestic or other manual labor jobs. Which, surprisingly, doesn't really offend me much... I mean, stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason: just because the majority or the media portrays us like that doesn't mean it's incorrect.
If I like you, sure you can get away with being a jerk and making "hurtful" comments. BECAUSE I LIKE YOU, YOU'RE MY FRIEND. You have the privilege of getting away with a lot of things I don't usually like people doing. Take advantage of me. Whatever. I know you say it as a joke and not to offend me.
I have several bad memories, all throughout middle school, people telling me to go back to where I came from, telling me to jump the border, swim back, go home... the list goes on. And on.
I used to get made fun of for what I looked like and what I didn't have, because I was poor and because my parents were failures who should just go back and take me with them because nobody wanted them here. Yes, there have been people who have actually said these words to me. Some people I know have had to deal with unethical bosses who overwork and underpay them or cheat them out of their rightly-deserved paychecks. Some people I know get made fun of because they don't have "American accents" or because they can't speak with as much ease as they do.
...Like people, honestly? That effin' hurts.
If you're so damn AMERICAN, trace back your heritage.
...Nobody's American.
It's not a race.
It's not a color.
There is no reason for you to feel superior to anyone else.
Calm yourself.
A mutual friend and I had a discussion about immigration, aliens, both legal and illegal, and I asked her what she thought should be done about illegals here. She said that everyone should be sent back. She meant no harm. She didn't mean to insult. She just said what she thought would be easy. In her own simple words, in her own simple way... just send everyone back.
Although I saw why she thought that way, I told her my point of view, and explained to her how things were so much more complicated than that. That families would be split up, countless undocumented jobs would have to be replaced and that there would be a lot of suck for a lot of people if that happened. (I'm simplifying, here.) I also thought it was unfair to those who didn't come here by will, rather were brought at a young age and brought up in this culture, and how they really wouldn't belong anywhere if that happened and that they couldn't be sent to jail or sent back or anything.
Which is a situation in which a lot of people around my age and younger are in right now.
I'm no economist nor am I a political buff. I don't know much about what the laws are and all the technicalities and rights that come with whatever status you have: whether you're a citizen, a resident, visitor, etc. etc. But I do have basic moral values and I can relate to some people and understand others. Because these are the people I grow up with, that my family knows that my neighbors know... I see their lives go by and they don't know what to do, where to go.
I know I've written about this topic before and I know I can't persuade you or Obama or Romney or whoever wins the upcoming election (by the way, it's going to be this guy)
Oh wait- he's not a real candidate?

^There is no politically oblivious 11th grader meme so I used this instead. But I do know what Kony 2012 was, don't freak out. It was a joke.
I used to get made fun of for what I looked like and what I didn't have, because I was poor and because my parents were failures who should just go back and take me with them because nobody wanted them here. Yes, there have been people who have actually said these words to me. Some people I know have had to deal with unethical bosses who overwork and underpay them or cheat them out of their rightly-deserved paychecks. Some people I know get made fun of because they don't have "American accents" or because they can't speak with as much ease as they do.
...Like people, honestly? That effin' hurts.
If you're so damn AMERICAN, trace back your heritage.
...Nobody's American.
It's not a race.
It's not a color.
There is no reason for you to feel superior to anyone else.
Calm yourself.
A mutual friend and I had a discussion about immigration, aliens, both legal and illegal, and I asked her what she thought should be done about illegals here. She said that everyone should be sent back. She meant no harm. She didn't mean to insult. She just said what she thought would be easy. In her own simple words, in her own simple way... just send everyone back.
Although I saw why she thought that way, I told her my point of view, and explained to her how things were so much more complicated than that. That families would be split up, countless undocumented jobs would have to be replaced and that there would be a lot of suck for a lot of people if that happened. (I'm simplifying, here.) I also thought it was unfair to those who didn't come here by will, rather were brought at a young age and brought up in this culture, and how they really wouldn't belong anywhere if that happened and that they couldn't be sent to jail or sent back or anything.
Which is a situation in which a lot of people around my age and younger are in right now.
I'm no economist nor am I a political buff. I don't know much about what the laws are and all the technicalities and rights that come with whatever status you have: whether you're a citizen, a resident, visitor, etc. etc. But I do have basic moral values and I can relate to some people and understand others. Because these are the people I grow up with, that my family knows that my neighbors know... I see their lives go by and they don't know what to do, where to go.
I know I've written about this topic before and I know I can't persuade you or Obama or Romney or whoever wins the upcoming election (by the way, it's going to be this guy)
Oh wait- he's not a real candidate?
^There is no politically oblivious 11th grader meme so I used this instead. But I do know what Kony 2012 was, don't freak out. It was a joke.
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