Tuesday, October 21, 2014

new thing

So I don't do enough picture posts and I'm feeling kind of odd and I guess down, so let me counteract that with a good thing!

I found this dress at a liquidation sale at the mall (the land of overpriced things) for only $1.36 or so!!!! It was torn at the hooks, one of the embroidered flowers, and a strap. I didn't (and still technically don't really know how to sew) but I experimented and fixed it up so now it's wearable! I'm proud of myself for finally getting around to it and that I can learn something new on my own quite often. So yay!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

the extroverted side

I find it frustrating that one of the habits I dislike most in a person is one that I have been practicing for a large portion of my life. As I look back on posts, I realize that something that is very significant in my life is how the eras of my life are defined or drawn, is closely associated with who I was romantically/sexually/emotionally interested or close to at the time. I'm almost quick to call myself flimsy or jejeune because of this, since a large portion of my identity and my locus is only in relation to others; however upon closer examination of myself, I realize that although maybe it once was, now this is no longer a problem. If it has been said that humans are social creatures by nature, then I am one of the most human humans ever. I am the bee that becomes energized by contact with every flower with pollen or nectar to offer. Without people around, to come back to to have deep connections with, I still sometimes become a bit lost and insecure of myself because there is nothing for me to do. No one to grow with, no energy, no motivation. When I have a positive bond with someone, I flourish; then when I do go back to being alone (only temporarily) I can reflect on what I can do without them and grow forth.

Once, maybe, this was a problem when I could not find a balance between people time and me time. When I had no one to crush on, no real close friend, or anyone to lean on I didn't know what to make of myself. I thought my self worth was based on whether someone else liked me or not. To some degree, I still fall back on this bad habit and catch myself thinking like this. I became overly dependent on people and felt deeply rejected and like a failure when they didn't want or need me.

Now, I'm able to distinguish between needing someone and depending on them more often than I used to.

Oh boy, do I need you.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

There are way too many unpublished blog posts sitting in here. I have to focus more, record my thoughts and find the way to express them accurately and as genuinely as possible while still being understandable to the rest of the world.

Monday, September 1, 2014

And so..

I'm single again.

it's been approximately two hours that i've been single again and i like to think i'm doing fine. sending THE text was the hardest. even though i didn't really care as much anymore, there were tears and anxious hands struggling to see if i got a response, a moment of trying to catch my breath right after i hit "send". over is finally over and forever shall be. i think that's what scared me the most. the fact that i know i could never go back to YESTERDAY, that it would be something unattainable and that the good moments could never be repeated exactly the same way. they're only memories: only things to recall until you decide to no longer recall them, or mentally are incapable of doing so.

it's kind of terrifying and relieving at the same time.

so there. that's it, i guess.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Things I've been wanting to do

a post started on 5/25/2013, 2:30 PM and only revisited today
  • sit around a fire with some of my not so closest friends and learn about each other
  • take up karate again. I did it for a short while in my elementary school days. It was the fun kind of hard work, it was rewarding, it was cool to see the other people who had different belts and had been training hard for years, and to dream of going against them someday. There was a lot of discipline that went into it.
  • nighttime drives in strange parking lots and the backs of buildings
  • climbing a fire escape and sit on the rooftop
  • thrift shop with friends
  • create my own cake recipe
  • be invited to a sleepover

Saturday, August 23, 2014

i dont know

I don't know what to think anymore. I don't know what to think.

I'm supposed to be crying right now, right? Or maybe have the feeling in the pit of my stomach that my world is ending and that I'm going to sit in my room for the next few days in darkness, disheveled and dirty? But I'm not. This doesn't feel that way. For once I stepped into some relative comfort, although I can't tell whether it's just my body being in such shock that I can't feel much or that I'm too distant from all of this to truly deeply feel affected. Or maybe this all has been coming at me for too long, from all sides, that I saw it coming and I DENIED DENIED DENIED it. Or I set it off to the side and put it away for later.

A post within a post:

Michelle has to grow up.

It is not until I actually face the fear of losing you that I realize how much you mean to me. I realize how everything I do and say and think is not about me anymore. I’ve been selfish. I’ve been ignorant and I’ve once again hurt someone I’ve gotten close to. We never realize how much we affect people until we step back and see what we’ve done.
But who’s to say I’m the only one to blame? Or that you are? The people we are, our pasts, our thoughts, our goals for the future are not about just us. 
I don’t want anything more than for you to not suffer. The good feeling in my heart that came out of nowhere when I first met you was a feeling I hadn’t experienced in a very long time. I have led other people to do things they were not okay with. They have all fled, rightly so. You don't deserve to be another person who flees because of me, but you also don't deserve to be a person that stays and gets hurt, maybe even more than the previous people have been. 
But just as Shaun said, I'm too hard on myself, and I shouldn't be.
However, it's only fair that this once again rests on the person that's most affected by it: and that's you. Give me another chance if you think I deserve it, if you think we deserve it. Or turn around 180 degrees and flee the fuck out of here, find someone better. The world is so large you can definitely find someone better if you really want to. I always feel like I deserve another heartbreak. 
At the same time, I am so goddamn tired of them.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


My great aunt died a few days ago and I felt really guilty but I was able to grieve healthily and now I feel okay.

I write a lot on Tumblr, and I've been trying to actually read more. I have also been trying to draw or paint almost every day.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Things are looking.

a post by Michelle.

up? down?
all around?

today has been the second counseling session ive gone to
the day i graduated two men i loved picked me up and spun me around when i saw them
another held me closer that he had in weeks and didnt even have to pose for pictures to be taken
another smiled and later that night made me feel more beautiful than i have ever felt before
they have filled my shell with love.

the man with the notepad said i have depression
the people around me are landing at closure but i've just taken off
i am the eclipse
i am the sun
i am the moon

i am the darkest point with the light erupting from behind it
they say you shouldn't look with naked eyes but they've all seen

i'm trying to find myself. things are looking.

Monday, April 21, 2014

update of a struggling senior

What's new news in the life of Michelle?

  1. still maybe probably not graduating oh wait you said new news 
  1. I'm going to that prom thing in A MONTH?? WAIT- HOLY SHIT.
  2. I have a date.
  3. That date is my (sorta) new boyfriend. (!?!?)
  4. My last high school concert is coming up in about two weeks and I AM NOT EMOTIONALLY READY
  5. I got evaluated for a psychologist and I signed some docs but I have yet to meet up with one?
  6. ...hm.. I'm not even sure what you blog readers know or don't know anymore. Sorry I'm not on here that often, I've abandoned you for the wasteland called Tumblr.
So here's the real deal.
Honestly, I don't know how I'm functioning right now. Even the things that are supposed to make me happy fail at times. I've gotten "talks" from the Dean and my Gifted advisor and guidance people because of my failing grades. "You're such a bright girl and we want you to graduate and we know you can" is floating around in my head and cuts me up from the inside. As much as I'd like to graduate on time with the rest of my friends, I'm really doubting it'll happen, because I've sunk myself so deep into this ditch of fear and doubt, and the condition of insufficiency is one that I live in now.

It's not so much that I'm too proud to look for help or ask for it, because I feel like I don't deserve it. And I know that I don't, to some extent. I haven't been managing my time at all and turn to stupid things to distract myself from my responsibilities, fears, from the inevitable, from everything that is coming crashing down upon me. I'm just not good enough, and I'm scared and embarrassed to ask for help.

I'm wondering if it was too late to ask for a psychologist, you know, before all this shit has happened.
I'm wondering it it is too late to fix years of damage and self-loathing, not taking responsibility for myself years ago, all my bad habits and secrets.
The curse of paradoxical living: being mentally beyond my age but at the same time very young, a late bloomer; of accepting the imperfection yet comparing myself to it; everything affecting me so deeply to the point where nothing affected me at all.
I'm wondering if the failures aren't really the product of a not-so-perfect family and not-so-perfect genes, but instead mostly my fault.

Whether or not I want it to come, there's going to be a moment when I have to face this. Whether it's in a couple hours, when the school day starts again and I make the first significant step towards turning everything around, or whether it's after I don't graduate and face summer school, or whether it's somehow over the next four weeks when I somehow manage to take everything broken and assemble something barely acceptable enough to help me get my diploma, maybe figure out my life from there, or whether it's some point in my life years from now when I really grow up. Maybe it won't be just a moment. Maybe it'll be a series of challenges and obstacles, going up 1 and falling down 2, until I'm strong and smart and have enough luck and pixie dust to keep going up and up to get out of this ditch. I can't bring myself just up and leave, neither literally nor figuratively (neither from this home nor this town nor this life I have).

I think one of the hardest things for me to go through is seeing friendships fall apart. Not mine necessarily, but everyone's around me. Boy, are some of these relationships irreparably toxic. Also, pressures? Knowing underclassmen that are even more pressured than my class was to take the most challenging courses and participate in the most extra-curriculars and dealing with their own personal problems while still getting enough sleep and being not just academically prepared and confident, but also emotionally? The academic integrity of some of my peers was unfortunately very lacking but I guess that's life. I wish it weren't.

With all the emphasis on graduating and getting into the most prestigious colleges and getting the best jobs, people make it seem like it's all about the destination, when really it's a lifelong journey.

Well, I'm getting rambly again.

Since I like to end my posts with either a hopeful message or a thought provoking idea, I'll leave you with this:

Who is living your life?
Is it really you? Is it something outside you? Your parents or guardians? Your peers? Social expectations? Something you can't control? Something you can? Something within you? Or something else?

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Ever been in one of those moods to listen to a specific kind of genre of music 24/7?

Yeah. Been feeling like that lately. It's nice because I know what I want to listen to, sorta, but also frustrating because I can't always find the exact songs I want to jam to. Agh. Such a struggle.

I'm really behind on all my work, on the borderline of failing two classes again. Don't know if I said this last post, but yeah. Someone tell me how to school because I don't know anymore.

I really don't want to be a debbie downer. What are some good things to talk about...?

Well, I went to the local art festival with friends today. My phone had run out of battery and I ended up lingering in a Starbucks and making small talk with someone who let me use the outlet they were using, and then he let me trust him with my phone so I could keep hanging out with them and walking around! That was really nice. Thanks random dude I forgot to thank :)

I bought a cute and funky parasol (not umbrella :P ) there, all hand-embroidered (or so I was told)...

Nope, wait. Just tried to google "embroidered parasol" and look what I just happened to find! Something that looks pretty much exactly like what I bought:
33x25 Embroidered Sun Parasol Handcrafted Orange Summer Umbrella Indian Art 25” L - UMB102
Fuck you, cute little parasol. You're not one-of-a-kind. I'm so upset.

the source: https://www.etsy.com/listing/159789222/33x25-embroidered-sun-parasol?ref=related-7

Can't trust them all.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Could it be she's still alive?

Yes, yes it's me. Something as simple as typing in "blogger.com" on a whim and remembering that I have this thing just hanging around here is enough to bring me back to writing a blog post, even if it has been 2 months.

I mean, there's so many things going on in my life but at the same time, none at all; it's so overwhelming.

I'm kind of debating whether or not to leave this little thing and move on, but I'm too attached to it to shut it down completely, so no worries. If Blogger doesn't decide to do something crazy and delete all blogs, this trainwreck will still be here for you to laugh and cry or stare blankly and type "LOL" at anytime you'd like.

So... I'm an adult now. Kinda weird, kinda whatever. My parents don't really treat me any differently, and neither do cute cashiers at the grocery store. I don't Federal forms and things to fill out are really annoying and stupid but I guess it's what I have to do... Yo' girl has applied for college!

I still think the system is stupid and if you were to try to sort me into a clique or whatever I'd be somewhere in between artsy hipster ([Perks, anyone?] which, by the way, is a lovely movie and a book I'm planning to read. sometime. soon. i promised myself.) and careless stoner (you know, minus all the drugs).

So this signup thing was done reluctantly. I don't know what I'm going to "pursue" in college. I've crossed off a few things from my list, including English major. Despite having a creative writing class and being in an advanced English class as well, my writing skill has gone down significantly and I realized I can't write a good essay to save my life, unless it requires me spending an entire day and a half on it. So that's out. I'm also not going to pursue anything in the medical field. So, there's that...

yeah. i dunno.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I kinda liked this one. A short story by me.

I wrote a little something (Sorta last-minute for a project. I'm in an actual creative writing class!) just a while ago. Hope you like it! Maybe give me some ideas for alternate endings or tell me what some of your thoughts were as you read this?

Heat of the Moment
by Experienced Novice

This fucking sun won’t stop glaring at me. Could probably fry my retina like an egg. Sunny side up. Sunny. The sun is up. High up… Damn, it’s really hot outside.

“Hey, can’t we put this off for another day?” 

“No way. That fucking…” he choked. “Bitch, is going to get what she deserves, right here and right now.” 

“Alright man. Just wait a few minutes for me. Going to go get water or something. I’m dying here.”

There was no use in arguing with David. Once he had his heart set on something, he clung to it (in this case, “it” being a “she”) like a nursing baby to its mom’s tit. And David was definitely a tit man. And a big baby… Anyways.

David and Lia had been dating for a pretty long time. Like 3 years. They went out on stupid dates. Candlelit dinners, mini golf, museums, you get the deal. Held hands as often as they could in public. We were pretty sure they were going to get married or something. Then one day, David told me they broke up. Out of nowhere. Crazy, huh? He hasn’t shut up about her since the breakup. Even though his obsessiveness sometimes drives me crazy, he’s still kinda cool to be around.

I take a sip from the fountain outside the west wing of the Northedge Mall. It tastes like it should: groundwater and piss. But it cools me down a bit. I turn around and look back in the general direction of where I came from. It’s hard to see across the light grey parking lot, but then I find it. Her navy blue minivan. (Which to be honest, is kinda ugly.) I walk back and past halfway, I feel really thirsty again. Fuck.

“Listen, man. I don’t get why you want to do this. She just broke up with you. That’s all, right?”

“I don’t- talk – no,” he mumbles. “Some- with her- 7 months.”

“Wait, hold up. What are you saying? She didn’t just break up with you?”

He turns away and opens his car. He’s looking furiously in there for something. He pulls out a plastic bag, which holds 3 cartons of eggs. Really, David?

I try not to laugh. David’s clearly not had many exes.

“So… let me get this straight. This.” I point at the bag. “Is for the car. You’re going to egg her car.”
He stares at me for a few seconds and tells me, “yeah.”

“Dude, this is nothing. You’re trying to piss her off, not provide her with a free breakfast. Don’t you have anything else? In your trunk maybe?”


“Give me that.” I snatch the keys from his hand and pop open the trunk. “This’ll do.” There’s a toolbox with some screwdrivers in it, a jumper cable, and a lug wrench. I pull out the wrench and hand it to him, saying nothing. I go to my car and get an old can of spray paint I've been keeping.

I let him get to work on the car. Tell him to get creative. David takes one whack at the rear window and starts yelling like a fucking maniac.

“Shut up! This place might be practically dead, but you don’t want to get caught.”

“You shut up. I need to do this if I want to feel better.”

The sun melts the concept of time and keeps beating down. “CHEATER” is written in white on the right side. I keep hearing noises, satisfying noises of destruction and revenger as the heat continues to burn my skin and the air around me. It’s getting really hard to breathe.

“Hey man, we should leave.”


“I said we should probably leave. It’s getting really hot here.”


A slur of words floats around my head. Something about calm. Or was it sun? I can’t see anything with my eyes. My head makes weird noises. I try to focus but there’s a jack in my hand and I don’t know how it got there. It’s really hot outside. It’s really hot.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Types of Loves Quiz

Recently I got into the habit of actually subscribing to the YouTubers I like to watch, Sexplanations being one of them.

One of those videos talked about love styles and I encountered this little thing online: http://las.blogspot.com which has the test she took in the video! I love to take quizzes and little questionnaires, so naturally I took it.

My results:

Eros (passionate)

Ludus (playful)

Storge (friendship)

Pragma (practical)

Mania (intense)

Agape (selfless)

What are your results? :)