If I did, I would sound really annoying and full of myself and... complementing yourself is awkward, I mean, who does that!?!?
BUTT. (Get it? There's a big but, but I spelled it with two T's... Get it...? Ha. Haha.)
I like being weird. Awkward, definitely. ;)
My friends think I'm funny. Hyper sometimes, maybe to the point where it gets creepy..
(as some of you know all too well)
But spontaneous and carefree.
Smart. I always compare myself to someone smarter than me, and then I say I feel stupid compared to my friends.
But I don't really accept the fact, that YES, a lot of things come easy to me, a lot more than others.
And I'm not too bad being wisdom-smart either.
I'm not an idiot teenager, THANK GOD for that.
I'm not the kind to try drugs for the hell of it, drink until I'm passed out on the floor, or date a new guy every other week.
I've come to accept that being short is a perk and not a vertical disability.
I like being able to sing in public without shattering glass and causing ears to bleed.
I like being able to act like a three year old and not care anymore about what other people think.
Except for... you know, potential mates. (<----Cannot take this seriously.)
I like, NO- LOVEEEE my friends. They're smart and funny and ALMOST as good looking as I am. Almost.
Finding all the good things about yourself and giving thanks for them is so empowering.
You should do it often. Just don't make kissy faces at yourself in a mirror, will ya'?
It's too bad, really. I was really looking forward to my daily kissy face in the bathroom. But ah well...