I have too many crushes. Some are serious, want-to date-you-this-will-be-nice kinds of crushes, some are wow-you-seem-cool-i-want-to-get-to-know-you-but-I-dont-think-i-can-casually-date-you-until-i-know-more-first kinds of crushes, some are dumb your-physique-is-stare-able-but-we-will-never-have-a-thing crushes, some are are wow-you-are-a-wonderful-person-in-general-can-i-maybe-date-you kinds of crushes, and others are (these are rare!) holy-holy-guacamole-you-are-one-of-the-best-people-to-come-into-my-life-i-really-like-you-and-i-might-have-from-almost-the-start-so-please-love-me-let's-date kinds of crushes.
Flirting is nice when you know it's going to be reciprocated.
too bad I have no clue whether it's being reciprocated or not unless guys literally have a neon sign over their heads that says "flirt alert"
I don't want to keep sending out messages to someone who isn't interested in me like that. I've already been hurt so many times before, and I mean I'm not going to be really attached to this crush as I have to others.
So go? or no?
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