Updated 8/23/2014. Previously known as "Random Thoughts About Everything". this blog is mostly me ranting and writing poetry so, uhm, idk. i expose a lot of my life here in an attempt to make things make sense or to make myself feel better or to inspire someone or to make myself feel not as alone or just because i'm full of emotions and thoughts and they can't stay trapped inside my head all day so yeah read this piece of shit xoxo
Friday, May 31, 2013
I am so lame
Reuniting with all my graduated friends (and a few Seniors-to-be like myself) was a fun time.
My brother tagged along.
We played volleyball and had fun by the pool, eating chicken and burgers and good ol' American food like coleslaw and potato/egg salad.
At one point I had to drift away from the group, and stop and just watch everyone from afar.
BB came over to see if I was alright. I guess the fact that I made him worry or at least wonder if I okay made me feel bad, but I was too detached from everything to feel like it was real. Then J. came over and we sat and talked about crushes and school and what Senior year held in store for us. I'm ready to leave and excited to see what's next, but at the same time terrified of not knowing what the future holds. After a while, we went back to the crowd and loved hearing them talk, joke around, and be so... In the moment. Which I still have to figure out how to do.
Friends will always be friends if you treat them right, and they treat you right, but distance is going to be hard to adjust to. I guess this will just help me value those moments together, when/if they happen, which should be good.
BB was nice enough to drive us there and back home and I started getting teary and lame like the little baby I was.
I can't believe one of my best friends is leaving in a few weeks.
I'm happy for you, Lion King.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Grads 2013
Graduation time for my Senior friends. Everytime I walked on stage to sing with my group, all I could feel was a lot of joy and pride to call them my friends. I couldn't cry. I was close to getting teary, but the aching grin couldn't come down.
Afterwards was a mess of hooligans and chanting, people hugging and laughing, and as I individually called my friends over to hug them, I just smiled stupidly and started getting teary.
I can't believe that's going to be my friends and I next year. I hope to do as much as I can with them this summer. They've helped me get through high school so far...
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Food for successful people
Aka Top Ten Percent Senior Banquet
I can't help but actually enjoy setting up things for other people's celebrations.
It's through helping others that I momentarily feel of worth.
Struggling with wishes
I wish movies didn't cost so much. I wish hanging out with friends weren't so difficult to do. I wish SAT's didn't exist. I wish I didn't stress so much. I wish class rank was only a number and not as important as it's made out to be. I wish I could talk to you. I wish people could tell people how much they matter without being afraid or taking them for granted. I wish I could go out at night. I wish I weren't so ashamed of having girl crushes that are more than admirations, but less than loves. I wish I weren't so obnoxious. I wish I could believe that people I care about like me, despite the fact that most of them show it.
I wish it were easy to bring back all the good things from years past, and not all the bad and relive them. I wish life were easier again.
I wish caring about me were easy. I have such low self-esteem. I just want to not be here for a while.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Oh, the places you can go!
Gardens Chateau de Marqueyssac, Vézac, France
Skaftafeli, Iceland
Capilano Suspension Bridge, Vancouver, British Columbia
Keukenhof Gardens, Netherlands

Bryce Canyon, Utah, USA
St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia,
Saturday, May 18, 2013
recent events and a message to my senior chorus friends
My life's been kinda hectic; I have some things going on, but Life also has some bright moments every now and then. Music helps me find them. Congrats to all the senior members of Chorus. You're what gives the choir its rich and amazing sound. This was my first year in Concert Chorus and it was a great one.
It's starting to hit me that you're leaving soon. I'm going to miss you Seniors.
red or green?
I have too many crushes. Some are serious, want-to date-you-this-will-be-nice kinds of crushes, some are wow-you-seem-cool-i-want-to-get-to-know-you-but-I-dont-think-i-can-casually-date-you-until-i-know-more-first kinds of crushes, some are dumb your-physique-is-stare-able-but-we-will-never-have-a-thing crushes, some are are wow-you-are-a-wonderful-person-in-general-can-i-maybe-date-you kinds of crushes, and others are (these are rare!) holy-holy-guacamole-you-are-one-of-the-best-people-to-come-into-my-life-i-really-like-you-and-i-might-have-from-almost-the-start-so-please-love-me-let's-date kinds of crushes.
Flirting is nice when you know it's going to be reciprocated.
too bad I have no clue whether it's being reciprocated or not unless guys literally have a neon sign over their heads that says "flirt alert"
I don't want to keep sending out messages to someone who isn't interested in me like that. I've already been hurt so many times before, and I mean I'm not going to be really attached to this crush as I have to others.
So go? or no?
Friday, May 10, 2013
Emmablackery is a cute
Watch "Feel Good 101: How You Look And Why It Doesn't Matter" on YouTube
You need a confidence boost ;)
links and gifs, yo
32 Pictures You Need To See Before You Die
'It's got to be crispy': Woman, 105, says bacon key to longevity - TODAY.com
random website dot com- a random website generator
Play Great Gatsby Video Game & Donate Books - GalleyCat
Gun Debate Overtaken by Budget Fight | Congress.org – Get informed, get involved
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Cool beans
So I did pretty well on my duet song for the Spring Concert at my school :D
I was pretty nervous beforehand, but I didn't hear it in my voice while performing.
Yay improvement.
My buddy and I got a loud applause and I took a compliment for the both of us after the show.
Also, the encore chorus /alumni surprise for our teacher was really emotional and cute and we sounded better than I thought we would. I was in tears as my teacher just say by the piano with that nearly gasping, surprised look on her face.
Everything and anything revolving around music makes me happier.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Advertising Wins
Thoughts and updates
Newsflash. Don't know if it's my confession to tell, but I have some sorta happy news. Someone confessed to liking me. He's quite a nice person, and in the short time that we've actually talked and hung out for short moments I feel like I can trust him with almost anything. It's been a while since I felt like that with someone. Maybe we'll be best friends, maybe we'll date, maybe we're secretly siblings separated at birth but we'll never find out, or maybe it's Maybelline.
Status report. My feelings toward this other person who's been my close friend for years and my major crush? Well, I don't think they're ever going to really go away. I guess I'm a sucker when it comes to people that mean and/or ever meant a lot to me. That's mostly my problem.
Shoutouts. One of my blogging followers (shoutout to Nikki P!) emailed me about the situation (see the post named "shit") and I found some comfort in her concern. (Shoutout to Lucia the Lunatic for also being a good person.)
Relationships. My mom and I fight every other day, but we're both understanding each other more than we did before.
Yes, I've been a sucky person lately (okay, very sucky). Yes, I needed an attitude check. No, my life probably won't get better too quickly.
My life's been sucky, what more can I say? I don't like to say it's an excuse, but it's a pretty darn reasonable source of angst. I know other people have it worse than I do, but there's only so much I can handle before I become a visible trainwreck.
My dad's been on and off work, trying to find somewhere to go, with limited success. We almost lost our home of 13 years and while I complain about this smaller-than-I-wish-it'd-be apartment and this disadvantaged neighborhood I'm pretty thankful (to the stars, to atoms, to the heavens, or whoever runs our doesn't run this thing called life) for still being able to type this post through my phone's app, while on my warm bed in my room full of things which have been donated to us over the years by strangers and friends. Who knows... we might get kicked out in a month or six or continue paying off the debt in small portions.
I'm a hypocrite. Sometimes I grumble to myself on how most people at my school are better off, wasteful, and take things for granted, and here I was, starting to do the same.
I've got a chorus concert on Tuesday and Wednesday that I'm trying to cheer myself up for, I've got friends who are still here to pop up occasionally and make sure I'm okay, I've got a blog to rant on and share things with people, I've got at least some food in the fridge and more than one pair of pj's (old t-shirts and basketball shorts, anyone?), I've got a cell phone and a laptop, milk and cookies (update: there are no more cookies, I now remember I ate the last one) and things that have happened that make me learn about myself.
For now, I've got all these memories away in the attic of my mind. Maybe someday they'll just be photographs to burn or maybe they'll be scrapbooks to restore and add to. Who knows. I'm probably going to sporadically go back to them when I feel a little lonely or nostalgic or happy, just because.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
My Ride..jk
I also like cars and taking pics of them. I might not know the technical stuff about cars, but man, are they pretty.